The Art Of Pining
Wednesday, 22. May 2002
OCD: The disease of the Gods

The internet is a glorious place. Ignore the frequent porno-site popups, ignore the casino advertisements, ignore the pedophilia paraphernilia. The anonymity is great. Unless a hacker gets to you, that is.
[ahem] My point is, I could post anything here. I could tell you about any fetishes I might have, my friend's crossdressing habits, the names of all my cats, and you still wouldn't know me. You wouldn't even be sure if I were telling the truth or not.
I digress yet again.
Let me introduce name is Aurora Fiske, but most people call my Aury (pronounced O-ry, for all the dyslexia-burdened people out there). I'm 17 years old, and live somewhere in the U.S. (Can't be too sure about those hackers!) My hobbies include playing the guitar and singing in a garage band, eating ice-cream, tutoring, and writing. Most of what I write goes into a ritualistic compost heap, though - it's crap. I mean, on the internet, I could ransack my thesaurus and come off sounding halfway intelligent, but on paper I tend to sound second-grader-ish. I write about love, not being able to make it come true (how many of you grasped that Weezer reference?), falling in love, etc., etc., et al. It gets really repetitive after awhile.
And thus the topic of this weblog. Nevermind the title of the story...just ignore it.
I'm going to explore the inner psyche of love and all it's human reincarnations. Or at least try to. And I'm not making any sense anymore (and it's not like I ever *did* make sense...) so I'll just go until next time.

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Last modified: 5/22/02, 2:04 AM
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